• One defining theme for BlackRock in 2022 has been its public push into digital assets.
  • Big crypto partnerships followed client interest and internal advocacy from enthusiast employees.
  • Insider charted BlackRock’s evolution around digital assets, according to people familiar.

When Larry Fink speaks, Wall Street listens. In fall 2017, the BlackRock chief executive said bitcoin “just shows you how much demand for money laundering there is in the world.” 

“That’s all it is,” Fink said, laughing during a discussion at an Institute of International Finance meeting, comparing the cryptocurrency to an index of illicit activity.

Fink was hardly alone in his critiques at the time. Crypto was “a fraud,” Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan said, and “rat poison,” according to Warren Buffett. 

Lower down the chain of command at BlackRock, however, the crypto market found a devoted following. A group of employees at the firm organized and started holding a forum to discuss crypto, five people familiar with the group told Insider. 

The effort was “a very grassroots thing,” one of the people said. The employees invited crypto heavyweights including Gavin Wood, a cofounder of ethereum, and Erik Voorhees, the founder of the token service ShapeShift, to discuss the industry.

“It was like a bunch of people’s hobbies, and we turned it into an education group,” an employee who attended these meetings said of the efforts to organize internal dialogues around crypto. “We were trying to get everyone smart on it.”

Top leadership met interest from some rank-and-file employees with varying levels of support, saying they tended to view crypto as a low priority at the time. Management regularly engaged with a working group on blockchain technology and, in 2018, started making a concerted effort to study digital assets. 

But not everyone felt as if BlackRock was taking the space seriously.   

“I left the firm because of the resistance to crypto products,” a former junior employee who worked in Aladdin, the firm’s massive technology business and left in 2021, said. “I was told that ‘our clients don’t care about crypto, and we have no interest in doing that. We have more important things to be doing.'”

Employees across divisions like Aladdin were researching and dabbling in the space. As bitcoin’s price ripped higher in late 2017 and token sales known as initial coin offerings spread, staff members packed conference rooms in BlackRock’s San Francisco offices each month to watch speakers with the crypto-asset forum. Eager, usually more junior, staff members huddled around to hear industry experts talk about crypto and blockchain. A person who attended the meetings said there was a feeling of “absolute mania” in the air.

The tide started to turn. The firm eventually hired employees dedicated to digital assets — and some crypto-curious clients started asking what BlackRock could do for them.  

Fink softened his public remarks on the industry. The $8 trillion asset manager launched an exchange-traded fund that holds companies involved in blockchain and crypto, and the firm invested in the stablecoin issuer Circle this spring. The firm’s Aladdin business announced a major partnership with Coinbase this summer. A week later, BlackRock said that it would start offering spot bitcoin exposure to US institutional clients through a private trust. 

This year has shaped up to be the biggest so far for the asset manager’s crypto initiatives. Insider spoke with eight former and current employees for the fullest picture yet of BlackRock’s evolution around digital assets. 

Like other traditional finance firms that have lost employees to digital-assets firms, dozens of people have left BlackRock for crypto companies like Coinbase, Circle, New York Digital Investment Group, and Galaxy Digital in recent years. Other firms have also trotted cautiously into forming crypto strategies. Regulators are still ironing out rules, and the assets’ wild price swings mean severe cycles of boom and bust. After all, crypto’s market capitalization has declined 66% since its record high last year, according to the crypto-data provider Messari.

But decision-making at BlackRock — a massive money manager, a major fintech provider, and a consultant to governments and central banks — and the messages it sends to the industry carry special weight. Just as investors closely watch the firm’s calls on the stock market’s direction, leadership in sustainable investing, and influential votes on other companies’ policies, they are watching to see how the firm plays in the crypto market.

A junior employee touched off BlackRock’s crypto efforts

The blockchain working group and the informal crypto-asset forum will end up being key footnotes in the firm’s history. BlackRock’s foray into crypto started with a memo nearly seven years ago from Mary-Catherine Lader, who was a new hire at the time.

In 2015, Lader had worked at the firm all of two weeks as a vice president when she heard Fink’s skepticism toward blockchain technology in a town hall. After the meeting, she sent an email to the head of her group detailing how BlackRock could be missing out on a huge opportunity if it ignored crypto entirely. 

The note, which Bloomberg reported this summer, caught the attention of senior management, including Rob Goldstein, the firm’s chief operating officer. In an initiative sparked by the memo, Lader soon became the head of the firm’s blockchain working group and the company widely viewed her as a champion for crypto efforts internally. 

A group of employees across teams came together and researched crypto for months, speaking with industry experts like Joseph Lubin, a cofounder of ethereum. They explored potential investments, ways to use blockchains, and partnerships in the space. 

In 2016, this blockchain working group presented findings to executives, who largely put their ideas on the back burner. The view from leadership was that it was too early, former employees said. There wasn’t enough infrastructure or regulatory clarity in crypto to start doing business with big clients.

A head of digital assets, Robert Mitchnick, joined in 2018 as the first full-time employee focused on the space at BlackRock. He reported to Lader until the end of 2019, when Lader went to work on Aladdin’s sustainability tools

In early 2020, Mitchnick and the digital-assets team started reporting to Joseph Chalom, a longtime BlackRock executive who was then the chief operating officer of BlackRock Solutions, the unit at BlackRock that houses Aladdin.

Later that year and in early 2021, bitcoin’s price surged to record highs. Asset management and Aladdin clients started asking BlackRock’s teams about crypto exposure more frequently. The firm added bitcoin futures as an investment option in two of its funds in January 2021.

“Our clients are at different points in their digital-asset journey, and that’s OK — whether that’s an asset-management client or an Aladdin technology client,” Chalom, who is now BlackRock’s global head of strategic ecosystem partnerships, said in an interview. “But the transformation of the ecosystem continues to accelerate at a rapid pace.” 

Clients’ changing appetites 

Fink has acknowledged that clients’ interest in exposure to digital assets has grown substantially.

He said on a call to discuss earnings in April 2021 that crypto questions hadn’t been coming up frequently in conversations with clients. Short-term crypto-trading dynamics also generally did not fit with the firm’s approach as a long-term investor, Fink said.

At BlackRock’s annual shareholder meeting a month later, he said that crypto could play a role in long-term investing and that the firm continued to study it. “Every conversation I have on the streets, in restaurants, with taxi drivers, they want to know about crypto,” Fink said. He reiterated that crypto wasn’t coming up in conversation with long-term investors.

A year later, in April 2022, Fink told analysts that the firm was increasingly seeing interest from clients and that the firm was studying digital assets and their ecosystems. The firm had just announced its investment in Circle. 

“Even though there’s been a crypto winter, it’s still a trillion-dollar market cap,” Chalom said. “We see the acceleration of these technologies both creating opportunities and efficiencies.”

A BlackRock representative declined to specify how many employees work on digital-assets initiatives across teams. The firm continues to “seek new, talented, highly motivated individuals to add to our digital-assets team and capabilities,” the representative said.

BlackRock’s ‘optimists’ and ‘realists’ 

Some employees who left between 2018 to 2022 told Insider that BlackRock’s partnerships and investments they announced this year surprised them.

One former Aladdin employee who left BlackRock in 2021 said they were surprised to see the partnership between Aladdin and Coinbase because “it was pretty much a 180” degree change from their experience with crypto at BlackRock.

“There are definitely quite a few who just left due to the resistance” to crypto initiatives, the person said. “It’s a mixture of frustration” and “it’s kind of laughable to us, as far as this about-face.”

Another former employee said they were spending so much of their time learning about crypto out of their own curiosity, “that there was no way BlackRock was getting as much value out of me in the hours that they’re paying for me to be in their building.”

A former employee said they were spending so much of their time learning about crypto out of their own curiosity "that there was no way BlackRock was getting as much value out of me in the hours that they're paying for me to be in their building."

A former employee said they were spending so much of their time learning about crypto out of their own curiosity “that there was no way BlackRock was getting as much value out of me in the hours that they’re paying for me to be in their building.”

Richard Levine/Corbis via Getty Images

In some ways, BlackRock was early to strike up a dialogue around crypto. The town hall in 2015 took place only months after ethereum’s network went live and years before major blockchain ecosystems like solana and avalanche existed. Other firms were starting to tiptoe into the space. In 2016, JPMorgan unveiled a blockchain platform called Quorum, which the ethereum-software company ConsenSys later acquired.

As the forum grew, factions appeared. There were the “optimists,” or those who thought BlackRock would be able to soon launch a bitcoin ETF, and the “realists,” or those who thought the structured product could take years, as a former employee who was active in the early crypto-asset forum put it.

In the forum’s beginnings, participation in the group was often contingent upon how well crypto markets were performing. When bitcoin was up, interest was high. One former employee who left for a blockchain startup said, “I’m not exaggerating when I say you could probably have charted the attendance with price and gotten a 70% correlation.”

Leaving BlackRock for crypto

Lader left BlackRock in June 2021 for Uniswap, the world’s largest decentralized-exchange protocol, where she is now the chief operating officer. “It felt riskier to stay in a traditional institution than to jump into crypto full time,” she told Bloomberg this summer.

She was viewed as the most influential person at the firm when it came to crypto discussions, former employees told Insider. Earlier in her time at BlackRock, she was chief of staff to Goldstein. She was “very, very central” to the firm’s crypto efforts,” a former employee said. “She had access to the ears of all the senior management, effectively.”

But even as crypto enthusiasts found advocates internally, people left. There was a “line in BlackRock to do the fun work” of working on digital assets or blockchain research full time, another former employee said. 

It “looked impossible for BlackRock to do anything” significant in the space in the near term, the person said. “That’s why I think many of us left.”

BlackRock is now working on its partnerships with Coinbase and Circle and focusing on the four parts of its crypto strategy: stablecoins, tokenization, permissioned blockchains, and crypto assets. 

BlackRock leadership is highlighting those efforts. While acknowledging the “steep downturn” in crypto assets, Fink said on an earnings conference call this summer that the firm was still seeing “more interest from institutional clients about how to efficiently access these assets.”

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